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Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) Compliance

CTI Wireless abides by the federal Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) by responding to notices of alleged infringement that comply with the DMCA and other applicable laws. As part of our response, we may remove or disable access to material residing on a site that is controlled or operated by CTI Wireless that is claimed to be infringing, in which case we will make a good-faith attempt to contact the person who submitted the affected material so that they may make a counter-notification, also in accordance with the DMCA.

CTI Wireless does not control content hosted on third-party websites and cannot remove content from sites it does not own or control. If you are the copyright owner of content hosted on a third-party site and you have not authorized the use of your content, please contact the administrator of that website directly to have the content removed.

Notice to Copyright Owners:

If you believe material posted on or linked to or from this site is infringing, please provide a written, signed notice of infringement (a “DMCA Notice”) to the designated agent at CTI Wireless by fax or mail, at the address provided on our contact page. Such DMCA Notice should be in the form set forth below, which is consistent with the form suggested by the United States Digital Millennium Copyright Act (the “DMCA”).

All Notifications should include the following:

Please note: The DMCA provides that you may be liable for damages (including costs and attorneys’ fees) if you make a false or bad-faith allegation of copyright infringement by using this process.

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